What Makes Renew Chiropractic Unique?

What makes Renew Chiropractic unique is that we focus on family wellness, pregnancy and pediatrics.
Dr. Tara is a mother of five and understands the importance of raising a healthy family. This health starts from within, the core being your nervous system. We also know that health doesn’t stop at the nervous system either.
In order to live well, we need to incorporate good nutrition, exercise, relaxation, sleep, and a healthy nervous system.

About Dr. Tara

Dr. Tara is passionate about the health of her children, as well as the health of your children.
Some wonder why kids see a chiropractor. At this office, we know Chiropractic may improve a wide range of issues like bed wetting, colic, ear infections, ADD/ADHD, sensory disorders, allergies, asthma, constipation and much more. The common denominator in all these disorders is the nervous system.
After we remove this pressure off the nervous system, your child will be able to function at their optimum!

At Renew Chiropractic, we are concerned about the person as a whole, which includes a healthy lifestyle for everyone!